Ward 6 candidate Case Hems


hems case webI was born in the Netherlands and immigrated to Canada in 1962. I moved to Chatham in 1968 then started entrepreneurship in shoe repair in 1971. I have been in the business now for 43 years.

I have been married to my wife Marg for 39 years. I’m the father of two and grandfather of five.

I am a member of St. Joseph Parish, the Knights of Columbus and enjoy fundraising for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

I feel my good reasoning and grass roots will allow me to do a good job of representing Chatham-Kent for a bright future, a thriving economy, as well as striving to attract people to our community.

Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff or services?

Yes a tax freeze not a roll back this might be possible if we trim the bulk at city hall.

Would you support an OPP costing study?

Yes I would support a study so we can see were money is spent and for them to be accountable for their budget.

Would you support examining a volunteer-only fire service if the provincial arbitration system isn’t overhauled?

No let them be accountable for reduced costs through attrition.

Do you believe we should continue our ongoing efforts to attract economic investment from China?                                                                                                               No I believe this is a wasted venture.

Would you support contracting municipal services to the private sector if those services can be delivered more efficiently?

No we just need to revamp the way things are done.

Would you support investigating amalgamation of fire/ambulance/police services to reduce costs?

Yes if it is cost savings as long as there is no effects to the services.
Would you support a municipal tree-cutting bylaw if it contained incentives for woodlot owners to retain/increase tree cover?

Yes because nature and man can survive together.

Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner such as London and Windsor have added?

No I believe this is work should remain in council we are trying to trim costs.

Would you consider developing a usage benchmark for municipal offices, arena and libraries and closing those that don’t meet the standards?

Yes a feasibility study on all municipal buildings to make them more cost efficient.

Do you support development of a community-wide multipurpose recreation centre?

Yes it is another great tool for economic growth in bringing in new job creation.

Do you support an adopt-a-park program in which service or volunteer groups assume some maintenance (grass cutting) of some municipal facilities?

Yes it is a great idea for the community to be involved as long as it does not create a liability issue with the municipality.

Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of municipal councilors?

Yes is we are trying reduce spending on building services and other areas in the municipality to reduce tax increase this would be a great area to look into as well.


Election Platform “Just Get-R-Done”

My main platform is striving for zero percent increase for taxes in 2015 and beyond. To become a voice for the people in the municipality, implement policy changes and maintaining infrastructure for a superior community. I want to work for the people and make a vibrant community supporting the growth of the jobs in the younger generation, making us competitive in the global market and making it easier for new manufacturing companies to locate in Chatham-Kent.

I feel strongly in supporting the growth of our educational system. The future of our community is in the younger generation and our potential leaders.  It is very important we attract jobs to the city. We need to create incentives to promote entrepreneurs to invest in our community. I would like to look at improving and updating the health care system in Chatham-Kent. Increase attractions to bring more doctors and nursing in our health care system.

We need to eliminate senseless spending in our community. Together with other council members we need to maximize allocation of tax dollars in the municipalities. This will sub-stain a vibrant and sound economy making us a unified community.


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