Concerns raised over public dump site in ‘Burg


burg dumping

When Pat Davis started noticing steel barrels with “unknown contents” appear on the vacant lot across from his house, he became concerned.

However, when he spotted a young boy nearly fall into one of the dumpsters beside the barrels, he knew action needed to be taken.

“It has been an on-going concern for some time,” said Davis, regarding the lot at the intersection of Murray Street and Duke Street in Wallaceburg. “Last night I looked out my living room window when I saw a young boy, who I thought was about six or seven years old and he was standing on top one of these dumpsters, looking inside. I took another photo of him slipping down to the other side.”

Davis said he sent to pictures to some officials with Chatham-Kent.

“A lot of (the dumpsters) have broken lids or no lids at all,” he said. “They contain all sorts of different chemicals, there are barrels there. I expressed my concern for not only public safety, but about the environment. None of that really seemed to motivate the Chatham-Kent officials to do anything about it. I appreciate both Jeff (Wesley) and Sheldon (Parsons) responded and have asked for action, and it hasn’t translated yet.”

For the full story, please visit The Sydenham Current.


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