Perfection lies within


christmas tree

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

Chatham’s (England) Charles Dickens used that phrase to begin “A tale of Two Cities” more than 150 years ago but he just as easily could have been speaking about the celebration of Christmas in our present-day society.

With any luck, you’ve made your plans to gather with family and friends, purchased your presents and organized a meal. On the other hand, you may be stressed to your breaking point with all that the holiday can entail.

baCK-video-30sec from Chatham Voice on Vimeo.


Too often it’s that rush to make sure we have everything for a “perfect” holiday that wears us out and creates tension. The rest of our lives; the rest of anyone’s life, isn’t perfect, so expecting it on one day is unreasonable.

Take time to realize the perfection of Christmas comes from what’s in our hearts, not what’s under the tree.

If you are a devout Christian, the reason for the celebration is obvious, but if you aren’t, the symbolism of birth and the renewal of hope and a chance of redemption are powerful messages that resonate within all of us, regardless of creed.

We wish you the best of the best.

We moved delivery of The Chatham Voice ahead by a day this week so our carriers wouldn’t have to deliver the paper on the holiday, so we hope you’re taking a break and relaxing for a few minutes with our Christmas edition.

This marks our 25th edition of The Voice, and in the past six months we’ve been pleased to have had the opportunity to make a difference in our community.

We’ve been privileged to have brought you stories of people who are doing some amazing things in their personal lives, and others who are active in making Chatham-Kent a better place to live.

We thank you for allowing us into your homes and thank the advertisers who have believed in the idea of a newspaper that contributes to the local community and has local interests are heart.

Merry Christmas!


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