Program geared to educate youth about self-harm behaviour


The Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres (CKCHC) and VON Kids’ Circle Program are bringing back the Between the Lines program next month.

The program is designed to help youth aged 13-17 who take part in self-harming behaviour. This can include eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, risk-taking behaviour and self-injury, such as cutting.

Between the Lines begins May 6 at 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. The meetings will take place for eight weeks at the CKCAC location at 150 Richmond St. in Chatham.

Two sessions are for support people only, while four are directed at youth, and two will merge the groups. Support people are optional and don’t have to be parents, but must be adults over the age of 18.

According to the CKCAC, Between the Lines started as a pilot project a year ago and had good success. It’s a program developed by a registered social worker, as well as child and youth personnel.

Topics covered at the meetings include education on self-harm, learning about emotions, relationships, and communication.

For program information or to register a youth, please contact Brooke Smith at 519-397-5455 ext. 222.


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