LETTER: Remote viewing would fix council’s problem




Editor: Yipes, it has come to the point where the taxpayers, voters and citizens have become suspicious people in the municipal council chambers.

Can somebody say “paranoid?”

Yes, security is good and in fact the more disputed issues that council debates probably do require a different approach, as nobody wants our elected officials to be harassed. The cheapest solution would be closed-door sessions with televised meetings on a big screen into a public space provided by Your TV, which is already doing this for home viewers. They have everything already in place now; no extra cost required. They would just need the addition of a microphone in a public room so questions can be asked remotely.

By doing this, money would be saved by reducing an overpowering security issue. Let’s all stay civil.

Perhaps the municipality could open public areas in the old city halls in Thamesville, Dresden, Bothwell, Ridgetown, etc. this would give access for taxpayers and they wouldn’t have to travel the 30 or 40 kilometres to Chatham.

Wayne Robertson



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