LETTER: Where is the integrity?


Editor: Re: The Chatham Voice article “C-K councillor faces 90-day pay ban” by Pam Wright, published July 28.

Regarding the above. Directly and/or indirectly integrity is alluded to 22-plus times. However, in reading and studying collaborating documentation, integrity is sadly lacking.

On Aug. 14, C-K, council accepted Integrity Commissioner Mary Ellen Bench’s recommendations as outlined in her 47-page report. By a vote of 13-3, Coun. Rhonda Jubenville was found in violation of C-K council’s code of conduct.

Events leading up to this alleged violation began when C-K denied a request by Right to Life Kent to fly their flag. In attempting to bring council together, Jubenville proposed a motion to fly only three governmental flags – federal, provincial and municipal, a motion that would ban all special interest flags from flying on municipal buildings.

This is exactly what Norwich and Exeter municipalities have done.

Understandably, this was disappointing for groups that have been flying their flags for many years. However, as more groups and causes arise, what’s fair for one should be fair for the other. Governments are political institutions and not social entities.

Although council voted the motion down 12-5, everything went south to the point that Jubenville received harassing messages and even death threats.

Also troubling is the fact that the Integrity Commissioner is keeping the complainants’ identities anonymous while quoting their accusations in the report. However, Jubenville’s social media posts, newspaper reports and full-page commentaries, including her photographs are spread all over.

Where is fairness and straightforwardness of conduct? With C-K council? C-K staff?

Synonyms for Integrity are principle, goodness, honour, and truthfulness. Although these virtues are lacking in many, Rhonda Jubenville and the three councillors who voted against the recommendations possess them all.

Anne Stewart



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