LETTER: Thankful for caring young citizens


Editor: I felt I must write kudos to a group of fine young ladies. I unfortunately didn’t get their names, but they took this little senior lady – me – under their wings and gave me a ride home to my residence.

The reason, I will explain.

I attended a Scottish event held at Sons Of Kent recently. I thought this should be a fun night out. Which it was, and it was my first time there.

Now for my let down, until one of these young ladies came to my rescue. Bless you.

I use the Access Bus, but in future I will definitely book a return time, as Monday to Friday you can call for a bus on demand, and I really had no idea what time I was wanting to return home. It really all depended on how the evening went, as it was a 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. event. So just about 8:30 p.m., this young lady used her cell phone to call for a ride. The Access Bus has just two buses running for the evening, so of course I expected to wait a good half hour or more. But was told I couldn’t be picked up until nearly midnight, and the event was finished at 10 p.m. This to me seemed an over-long time before I could be picked up.

One of the young ladies took me home instead. My ride home was in a Jeep. The lady was concerned if I could get up into it. When the need arises, one finds a way.

Whoever you are, thank you.

Ruth Draper



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