Have input on C-K budget focus


Want to have input on this year’s municipal budget process? Well, municipal officials have launched an online survey designed to gather public input on where and how their property tax dollars are spent.

At Let’s Talk Chatham-Kent, residents can have their say on the 2023 Chatham-Kent budget through a survey that allows them to express their thoughts on what services they deem important and whether spending should be increased or decreased.

The survey has a multitude of questions and participants can give as much or as little information as they like.

The survey concludes with the opportunity for residents to provide general comments.

Results and public comments will be used by administration in the development of the budget and will be provided to Chatham-Kent council prior to deliberations.

Steve Brown, Chatham-Kent’s director of budget & performance services, said the online survey gives residents the opportunity to provide input at their convenience.

Brown said completing the survey doesn’t mean you can’t provide additional input at a later date either.

“The more information we have and the earlier we have it, the better we can understand the needs of the community,” he said.

The online survey will be open until Oct. 31.

Citizens are also encouraged to bring budget concerns to their councillors at any time through e-mail or by phone.

Council will host its initial budget committee meeting Jan. 11, 2023. Community consultation meetings will take place Jan. 18 at noon and Jan. 19 at 7 p.m.

Details on how the public will access the meetings will be provided once the format is finalized.

Budget committee deliberations will be held at 6 p.m. on Jan. 25, 26 and 31, with contingency dates on Feb. 1 and 2 if needed.




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