Gathering restrictions make little sense


Editor: On what God given authority does Dr. David Colby have the right to even consider such a restriction of limiting family gatherings to 10 people?

You have hundreds of people in the casinos, churches, weddings, funerals and other areas that have people stacked side by side, and you think that families should not get together for Christmas?

Not even the worst affected areas in Ontario have implemented such restrictions.

It is safer to be with family than strangers.

You have people waiting for flights six feet apart and then you cram them into small planes with little space between them.

If you are going to start making restrictions, you should at least take the time to consider the repercussions of doing so. No thought is given to the economy, small business owners, self-employed people, and the like.

Did you even consider the fact that U.S. residents are crossing daily without restrictions?

Vaccinated people also transmit COVID!

If you are going to try and implement such restrictions, then consider making them fair across the board, even though I highly doubt that anyone will follow your so-called restrictions.

Chris Gallant




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