Q&A session for Wheatley residents held

(Image courtesy Mark Ribble/Southpoint Sun)

The cleanup continues in Wheatley.

Crews continue to remove debris from the area surrounding the Aug. 26 explosion in Wheatley to facilitate efforts to find the cause of the blast.

Debris from the site of the explosion will be taken to a landfill facility for proper disposal of any hazardous material, such as asbestos.

Officials were on site throughout the weekend.

No readings of hydrogen sulphide were found around the site, according to municipal officials.

More than 325 persons took part in a 90-minute question and answer session Sept. 5 on municipal Facebook and YouTube channels. That session remains available for viewing by citizens who didn’t participate Saturday.

The reception centre at the Wheatley Arena has had 175 visits from 91 unique households. The centre is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.

Evacuees should call 519-351-8573 during office hours and ask to speak to a Wheatley crisis case manager. After office hours, they can call 519-354-6628 and they will be assisted with access to our on-call supervisor.

Residents who need information after hours can call 519-350-2956.

Wheatley residents who would like to be added to the municipality’s e-mail subscription service can do so by calling 3-1-1 or 519-360-1998 during regular business hours or by e-mailing ck311@chatham-kent.ca with contact information (name, phone number, address, e-mail address).

Wheatley residents concerned about where to vote in the Sept. 20 federal election can enter their address at www.elections.ca to find their polling location.



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