Weekend sees 11 new COVID cases, 2 from Wallaceburg school


Eleven new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Chatham-Kent since Friday afternoon.

Two of the confirmed cases are in the Wallaceburg District Secondary School community.

Chatham-Kent Public Health has notified the Lambton Kent District School Board that it is working closely with the school community and is contacting any individuals (students and staff) who may have been in potential contact with the virus. The school remains open.

“If you have not been contacted, you have not been in close contact with the confirmed case. As requested prior to the start of the school year, please continue to monitor your child for symptoms of COVID-19. If your child is ill, please keep them at home and call your health care provider or local health unit,” stated LKDSB.

Thirteen other individuals were deemed recovered over the weekend by CK Public Health, bringing the total active cases down to 32.

The cumulative total of cases since the onset of the pandemic has now reached 552.

The death toll remains at three and one person is currently hospitalized.





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