Improved access to physiotherapy


Sir: Over the past several months, the Province of Ontario has been making significant changes to the way physiotherapy services are made available. The changes mean that more than 200,000 additional seniors and patients across the province will benefit from improved access to high-quality physiotherapy, exercise and fall prevention classes.

One of the most common questions asked is about how people will receive physiotherapy care. The answer depends on the type of care that is needed. There are five streams of physiotherapy and exercise/falls prevention services available to seniors and those who require access to service.

Group exercise and falls prevention classes are being offered in long-term care and in retirement homes and other community locations. Those looking for more information are urged to contact the VON at (519) 352-4462 ext. 5222.

For services offered in long-term care homes, both physiotherapy and exercise classes are being offered. Residents are urged to speak with their nurse or home administrator for more information.

In-home based physiotherapy: Those looking for more information on how to access in-home based services are urged to contact the CCAC at (519) 310-2222.

Clinic-based physiotherapy: Patients are encouraged to speak with their primary care provider, or to find a publicly funded local clinic by visiting More clinics are expected to be offering these services in the coming months.

Primary care physiotherapy services: Currently the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is in the process of evaluating this model. For the most recent information, please visit:

Sometimes change can be a stressful thing, but the new changes to physiotherapy means that more people have easier access to the services they need. This provides a better quality of life in their home and in their community.

Gary Switzer, CEO

Erie St. Clair LHIN 


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