Bambi is on the move

Mexican rescue dog Bambi zooms around her new home at Charlotte’s Freedom Farm. The little dog only has two legs and moves around with the use of specialized cart. (Pam Wright/LJI/Special to The Voice)

By Pam Wright, Local Journalism Initiative

The Thamesville Herald

She only has two legs, but Bambi is one lucky dog.

She’s found a forever home, she’s got wheels, and she’s about to be featured in the international 2021 Walkin’ Pets calendar.

A rescue from Mexico, the little brown pooch is living the good life in Chatham-Kent zooming around Charlotte’s Freedom Farm in her little pink cart.

Owner Lauren Edwards, says the loss of her beloved dog Wyatt in a horrific fire last summer, prompted her want to provide a special needs dog with a home.

“We wanted a dog that really, really needed us,” Edwards explains. “Bambi fit that category.”

The little Heinz 57 — estimated to be between one to two years old — was saved from the streets of Mexico. She was discovered with bone infections in both of her back legs and had partially chewed her own feet.

A compassionate veterinarian amputated both of the legs and nursed her to health.

Rescuers managed to get her across the border to a centre in San Antonia, Texas where Edwards found her on the PAWS R US website.

She had been outfitted with a lightweight cart made by Walkin’ Pets, a U.S. company that specializes in helping amputee animals of all kinds.

The calendar Bambi is featured in is one of Walkin’ Pets fundraisers.

Bambi was only in Texas for two days before getting aboard a transport truck bound for Canada. Edwards picked her up in Ancaster.

Volunteer drivers make the three-day drive, hauling transport truckloads of dogs to Canada.

According to Edwards, the U.S. has a dog problem, whereas Canada is challenged by an overabundance of cats.

The little dog has only been at Charlotte’s Freedom Farm for three weeks but she’s adjusting quickly.

“She was a little nervous but she’s getting used to it,” her new owner says, as Bambi dashes rounding corners and making three-point turns.

“She had it figured out in five minutes,” Edwards adds. “She’s really fast and really smart.”

The Mexican rescue is another addition to the controlled chaos of the Brook Line farm that’s home to a menagerie of animals. The site is a construction zone as the organization attempts to rebuild following a fire in July that claimed the lives of 16 animals.

The exterior of a new barn is nearly complete and workers are now putting in stalls.

Edwards, who owns three pet stores in the Windsor area, says she’s glad she made the move to Chatham-Kent and loves the area.

Charlotte’s Freedom Farm was established near Dresden in December 2019.



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