Housing issue cannot be understated


Sir: I appreciated you and your editor publishing that letter from Dan Kelly, regarding the abandoned and dangerous property on Chatham’s east end that used to house a number of businesses in that area, including the old Darlings plant, the CIL property and the long-gone sand company.

These truly are eyesores in our community that should have been cleaned up long ago, if not by their owner, then by our municipality.

My only question is where will the homeless people and other so-called squatters that use that property go if it is cleaned up and fenced off? I don’t know if there is enough, if any, housing to accommodate these displaced people, that is if they want to live in any adequate housing provided to them?

Cleaning up one problem might create another it seems? I would guess like everything else, cleaning up this property and housing those displaced by the clean up in these properties may take quite some time before this project would eventually be started and finished.

Frank Doyle



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