Students learn the fine art of photography

Grade 4/5 students Ayden Caron, left, Mila Leontowicz and Gavin Devlaminck sit in front of the photos they created after a six-week unit studying photography at Georges P. Vanier Catholic School in Chatham. The photos were part of an exhibit recently of the students’ work.


After six weeks studying photography, students at Georges P. Vanier Catholic School may have surprised even themselves with incredible results.

Students in Laurette Carey’s Grade 4/5 class and Melissa Schneikart’s 5/6 class held an exhibit of the photos they created recently, explaining the different techniques they used and a Bible verse that shows the connection between their photos and the values of their Catholic faith.

Carey said the students were presented with a different skill every week of the 6-week unit and then went out with, in some cases, just their phone, iPods or iPads, and took pictures with those skills in mind.

“The kids loved it,” Carey said while showcasing the students’ efforts. “Even kids that struggle with academics just flourished with the project. They used the terminology and skills like perspective and the rule of thirds.”

The students were eager to show their work, from melting crayons to a leaf pile to a guitar, as well as simpler, yet interesting subject matter. Carey said the students were encouraged to go into the school yard and their own backyards to look for something to photograph.

“It could be simple as going into the school yard and coming up with a beautiful photo like a park bench, a pile of leaves or a crystal hanging in a tree,” Carey said. “They learned even the simplest of things can be beautiful.”

When the students were asked to explain their photos, they were able to say each principle of photography they used to compose the photo, and then linked that with a Bible passage.

“This is a life skill they can learn now and take into adulthood and gives them a great outlet to showcase their talent,” Carey added.

A slide show of the students’ work can be found at G.P.V School grade 4/5 and 5/6 Photography 2018.



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