Helping kids cope with stress


Sir: A Coping with Stress conference was held at CKSS on April 20.

The conference was for Grade 9 students.

It offered strategies for handling stress, like fitness/being active, proper nutrition and rest, art, animal therapy, dance, movement and meditation, and positive choices regarding substance abuse. The “Figuring It Out” workshop descriptor was “Do you know what you stand for? Examine social pressures. Figure out who you are, what is important to you, and live your life according to your own values.”

This is the first year for the Coping With Stress conference. It was a fun and informative day.

Looking ahead, perhaps other workshops for coping with stress could be added to the roster of choices for the students.

Two suggestions could be the importance of faith in their lives, and also effective communication with parents and family.

(Not every student has a faith, and no student has perfect parents, but most parents love and care for their kids, and are a positive resource and guide for their student.)

A student is at school for six hours a day, 180 days a year. Family, and for some, faith, are daily realities. Good and effective communication with a parent or parents, and guidance from one’s faith (should that apply) are essential factors for coping with stress also.

Jane Wright



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