The high price of wind power


Sir: When I moved to Chatham on June 3, 2009, I was really impressed by the number of wind turbines we have in these gusty plains of southwestern Ontario. This, I thought, makes sense. After the mess left following the closure of Ontario Hydro in 1999, I really believed the provincial Liberals were revolutionizing the production of electricity.

Since then I have heard all the bad stories about the wind turbines, of which I had once been so proud. If they really are wrecking peoples’ water wells, something has to be done.

Also, I understand the government is paying wind farm operators to generate electricity. Naively, I had always figured the wind was free, a gift from God, and I didn’t realize we were paying for wind, much of which isn’t needed.

I understand if they do have too much electricity from the wind turbine, they cut back on the cheaper sources of power, such as the Beck hydro plants at Niagara.

I also suspect that sometimes the wind turbines could interfere with birds’ offshore migratory corridors.

I felt that while wind power is an important natural resource to be encouraged, it is also vitally important to maintain biodiversity and protect wildlife and intact ecosystems.

Stephen J. Beecroft


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