United Way hopes for final push


Volunteers for the 2017 fundraising campaign continue to work towards the United Way of Chatham-Kent’s goal of $1,725,000.

With contributions from businesses, organizations, and individual donors across Chatham-Kent, they are close to reaching 95 per cent of their goal.

“We are so close to reaching our goal – we only have another five per cent to go and we’re calling for all hands on deck to help push us over the top,” said 2017 Campaign Chair, Elizabeth Downey-Sunnen, in a media release.

The heart of the campaign really centres on the resulting human impact in our community.

“Over 40,000 people in Chatham-Kent turned to a United Way funded program or service last year in their time of need. The average cost-per-life-changed last year worked out to $46 per-person. So, a donation of $46 towards our current goal is enough to help change a life here in Chatham-Kent,” added Downey-Sunnen.

Donations can be made online at www.ChangingLivesCK.ca, by calling 519-354-0430, or by visiting one of the three office locations in Chatham, Tilbury or Wallaceburg.

The campaign closes on Jan. 8 with an achievement announcement being made on Jan. 11.


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