Time for a pat on the back



Can we just say we love our Chatham Voice readers, and it never gets old when they call and tell us how much they love the paper or how a story touched them in some way?

With our fourth year of operation now under our belt, the staff here at the Chatham Voice have been working hard to provide timely, interesting and relevant news on what matters most to you. And judging by the feedback we are getting, we are doing something right.

This week alone, we have had calls from several readers who are amazed at the number of people reaching out to them after reading a story about them in our paper. It’s really sinking in that people in our community want to read us – a lot. They want to read about what is going on with their neighbours, their families, their municipal government and businesses in the area.

Community newspapers such as The Chatham Voice give people what they want to read and news they need to know.

We’ve heard people who believe they are in the know talk about how newspapers are dying out and no longer relevant. We – and our loyal readers – beg to differ.

Please don’t lump locally owned, hyper local community newspapers in with corporately owned dailies.

What’s dying is the profits of large corporations who are gutting daily newspaper staffs to try and keep shareholders happy. Large media conglomerates are what are killing daily newspapers.

Community newspapers continue to spring up and have immediate followings because they care about the news and the communities they serve.

Chatham-Kent is fortunate to have the kind of talent it does in the media pool in this area. All the media we come in contact with are professional, courteous and care about the news they write and the people they meet. And we’re no different. We just want to highlight the great people and organizations in Chatham-Kent, shed a light on issues that are important to you and inform you on what is happening in and around town.

So thank you to our readers, especially the ones who call to let us know they love our paper, our incredible staff who take care of them and the way we make them feel when they read our paper, our website or Facebook page.

We will keep doing what we’re doing and you keep spreading the word.


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