Roll for Research



Roll for Research hits the lanes of Bowlerama in Chatham Aug. 19.

The charity event, organized by the folks behind the annual Chatham Terry Fox Run, takes place between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

The goal of the event is to raise awareness of and research funding for the Terry Fox Foundation, which is committed to finding a cure for all forms of cancers.

“We were looking for a way to raise the profile of the Terry Fox Foundation in Chatham beyond the annual Terry Fox Run in September and to raise some additional money to fund research into cures for all types of cancer” explained local organizer Luke Davidson in a media release. “We think that a fun and family-oriented fundraising event like the Roll for Research is a great way to start”.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the fundraising event by putting together a team of family, friends or co-workers or participate on your own; collecting pledges, as 84 cents of every $1 collected goes directly to cancer research; and enjoy two hours of bowing.

There are prizes to be earned, and the chance to so increases with the number of pledges you earn.

The pledge sheet can be downloaded from Roll for Research Event, or participants can request a copy by email or pick one up at Chatham Bowlerama.


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