Public forums on homelessness take place Sept. 12



The Municipality of Chatham-Kent wants your thoughts on the issue of homelessness in our community.

With the assistance of a consulting firm, the city is preparing the 2014 Homelessness Plan and is getting input from local service providers and people who have been homeless or live with the risk of becoming homeless. The goal is to assess the extent of homelessness in our area and develop a plan to respond to it over the next 10 years.

On Sept. 12, two public forums will be held for area residents to learn more and share their thoughts. The first forum is from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wallaceburg Theatre on 505 King St. in Wallaceburg, and the second will run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Chatham Cultural Centre Studio One at 75 William St. N. in Chatham.

All are welcome to attend.

For more information, contact the consulting team at OrgCode Consulting Inc. by email at or by phone at 1-800-355-0420 ext. 6.


  1. I do not beleive their is such a thing as homeless people everyone belongs to someone such as a family of some sort maybe a large one or only one other person but their is a sibling out their that is a part of you maybe they can not look after this person because of financial reasons or the person has a illness and they need some sort of help so the government needs to step up to the plate and help these people in whatever way they can its just like keeping your parents at home when they are older instead of putting them away and forgetting about them and believe me alot of people do this.


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