Research needed before decision


Sir: After reading many articles in the paper this week regarding the plan to merge the firefighting and paramedic services, the thought has crossed my mind that many (council members) are most likely, unaware of the intricate workings of these occupations and what they entail on a daily basis.

Perhaps, before sitting in chamber and making decisions on peoples’ livelihoods and careers, I ask that you consider ‘walking in their shoes’ for a day.

May I suggest that every councillor, and Mr. Hope, take a day and spend it respectively with the paramedics and firefighters to see how each operates and what the job exactly entails and if, in fact and reality, it even makes sense to combine the two.

Please do not just look at numbers and dollars where lives are involved.

We are not some big city entity to control and turn into a ‘modern model’ reflecting United States mentality.

We are a small community that is very country and family oriented and we take great pride in that.

Many want to come here to raise their children and get away from the ‘big city’ fast pace and coldness it incorporates.

If, Mr. Stuebing is quoting the U.S. as a model, then perhaps we need to look at New York City, which is targeted for terrorist attacks a lot.

If they do not combine their paramedics and firefighters, should we even be entertaining the thought?

Your vote will be affecting the most vulnerable of our cherished community, the disabled, the ill, the mentally challenged, the elderly and the children.

What Mr. Stuebing is proposing, in essence, is to tell these paramedics, and firefighters, they have misunderstood in choosing the career they did.

It would be like telling an Obstetrician he now has to do Neurosurgery or be an Orthopedic Surgeon! How absurd. So is this proposal C.

Please consider tabling this proposal at least until you have personally researched and have spent the time with these brave men and women. It would be the responsible and considerate thing to do.

Lynn Parker-Larsen



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