Comic strip sends wrong message


I am writing to you because I am extremely dismayed by the cartoon strip entitled “Out on a Limb” in the April 21 edition of The Chatham Voice. 
Fortunately, many good people are working hard to rescue defenseless animals from so many abusers, who have no compunction about treating their own, stray and homeless and other people’s animals in just such a fashion as is depicted in this strip.

However, this strip counteracts all this hard work, as it lends justification to animal abusers through the violent act shown here.

I understand that some persons might consider this to be funny, but in reality it only serves as a role model for psychopaths to use this horrible method to mistreat and murder innocent beings.

All that this strip accomplishes is to give animal torturers yet another method of killing any animal they feel like.

Certainly here in Chatham-Kent we should all be supporting the initiative for a new, hopefully no-kill, animal shelter. 
 Worldwide, we should be supporting very harsh penalties for animal abusers. 
If you have no respect for little lives, you won’t respect big ones either.

Sharon Jubenville



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