Put up a shelter and be done with it


Sir: So many articles in this week’s Voice really hit the nail on the head.

Bus shelters for customers of the “Smart Centre” should be a no brainer. Any bureaucratic issues should have been ironed out after all these years.

Although a bus shelter is not the city’s greatest need, it should be near the top of the list since it would cost a lot less than the city’s loss with the Bradley Convention Centre and Capitol Theatre.

Helping its current citizens should come before money spent on travelling far and wide. The accolades from bus users for a proper shelters would be tenfold and our council should be willing to do what helps citizens of our community.

Hopefully, Mr. Sullo will get the support needed from council to put his plans to work and that those plans can include shelters that are required and will be welcomed.

Thank you to The Voice for bringing the important issue to the forefront.

Ruth Rivers



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