Dog owner and vet should answer for their actions


Sir: Our hearts goes out to the Coote family after your report in the Chatham Voice (great paper by the way).  How could anyone be so heartless to drive off after seeing what his dog did? First of all the owner of the Rottweiler should be made to pay all the expenses the Cootes incurred – and then some.  Plus they should be fined for having a dog off a leash, which to my knowledge contravenes local bylaws.

As for the vet they called first who did not want to accommodate their urgent call, he should have his license revoked and never practice again. We hope he never needs a doctor when he is on holidays and another doctor will not touch him because he is not registered with him. The vets name should have been published so that other pet lovers could avoid him for obvious reasons.

Articles like this do not seem to be published in daily newspapers so keep up the good work and … again – you have a great paper.


Bert & Dot Mulder



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