Ward 2 candidate Karen Herman


herman karen webI have a very diverse work experience with a proven record of leadership within Chatham-Kent. I am married to Robert. We reside in South-Kent and are farm owners in West-Kent. I have served Chatham-Kent residents for 11 years and have been a supporter and an advocate for agriculture, business retention, expansion and tourism. I have chaired the Chatham-Kent Senior Fair in Blenheim and am an active voice on The Senior Advisory Committee.

I am very proud to have taken a leadership role and gained council support for three major infrastructure projects within South Kent.

The Gable Rees Rotary Pool. As chairperson of a volunteer committee, we built an addition on to this facility to address the accessibility and health needs of our community.

The Erieau Fire Hall. Removal of the old schoolhouse meant Erieau now has a community hall, a library/book deposit and fire hall to be proud of.

The Snobelen Road Bridge. Rather than remove this bridge and have the community suffer economically with a land lock, a new bridge was built off site with $600K in savings.

Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff or services?

I would support a tax freeze however I would need to investigate what services this would impact. Council did freeze staff and council wages in the 2013 budget.

Would you support an OPP costing study?

I would support the opportunity in this next term to identify all departmental savings. My decision would be based on financial and service impact to our community.

Would you support examining a volunteer-only fire service if the provincial arbitration system isn’t overhauled?

I support our volunteer firefighters. We must respect the collect bargaining process as well.

Do you believe we should continue our ongoing efforts to attract economic investment from China?

I believe we must build relationships provincially and nationally first.

Would you support contracting municipal services to the private sector if those services can be delivered more efficiently?

I support change only if it provides efficiencies with a positive impact to our residents.

Would you support investigating amalgamation of fire/ambulance/police services to reduce costs?
While respecting the collective bargaining process, I would support investigating amalgamation of emergency services

Would you support a municipal tree-cutting bylaw if it contained incentives for woodlot owners to retain/increase tree cover?

Financial incentives would have a tax impact to all residents of Chatham-Kent. I would like us to work through the current three-year pilot strategy.

Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner such as London and Windsor have added?

Chatham Kent has an exceptional legal team in house. At this time I do not believe we need the added expense for a municipal ombudsman

Would you consider developing a usage benchmark for municipal offices, arena and libraries and closing those that don’t meet the standards?

I do not support closing municipal offices, arenas and libraries.

Do you support development of a community-wide multipurpose recreation centre?

Funding for a multipurpose recreation centre is the challenge. We must grow our tax base first.

Do you support an adopt-a-park program in which service or volunteer groups assume some maintenance (grass cutting) of some municipal facilities?

If there is the will for volunteers to partner with municipal staff, I support.

Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of municipal councilors?



My platform for 2014 – 2018

I will work hard to bring jobs to Chatham Kent

I support an Retaining our Existing Businesses and Residents

I will ensure Fiscal Responsibility

I support an Age Friendly Community


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