Two women charged for B&E


ck police cruiser 1web

It appears the break-and-enter criminal profession has gone equal opportunity, as Chatham-Kent police arrested two women yesterday in connection with a B&E in Chatham.

Police say about noon, an officer on Wellington Street East saw two women known to him carrying backpacks around a residence. One of the women walked up to the house and came back carrying a plastic tote full of items, as the other woman waited, according to police.

The woman made several such trips, while the other woman moved the items out of sight near a fence. Both rummaged through the haul and placed selected articles in their backpacks, police say.

Officers moved in and broke out the handcuffs. Investigation revealed the women had gained entrance into the residence through a window.

All stolen items were returned to the owner.

A 19-year-old woman of no fixed address and a 27-year-old Chatham woman face charges of break and enter and possession of property obtained by crime in connection with this incident. The 19 year old also has a charge of possession of break-in instruments.


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