LETTER: Concerning changes to our landscape


Editor: A really good editorial in the Sept. 12 Chatham Voice, “Just…why?

While impaired driving continues to plague our society, the government thinks we should now have more access to booze at the convenience stores.

Then to read they are selling it at a store on the 401 in Tilbury. It’s no wonder that we have many accidents and deaths.

Then our Voice mentions cannabis on nearly every corner.

I was walking and passed this magic mushroom store. I thought to myself, “This must have been the one who has been fined or charged selling them. Yes, a big WHY? Are they still wide open?

No wonder, as people have already written in letters to The Voice, Chatham is not the place it once was.

I was also surprised to see quite a large number of tents at Rotary Park on Thames Street near the Third Street Bridge. I wonder how that will work out come winter. Perhaps the city will be finding some way to put up heaters…

It’s looking more like the old K.O.A. campgrounds they had years ago. But at least those had proper toilets and didn’t smell.

Then people keep handing out money to the panhandlers. They are actually not helping; they are making it worse. Enough said.

Ruth Draper



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