Ag Hall of Fame inductees named


The Kent Agricultural Hall of Fame (KAHoF) has announced its inductees for 2024.

The names were unveiled to Chatham-Kent council by KAHoF vice-chair Alice Uher at a recent meeting.

Stephen Denys, Harry Lawson and Keith McLean are being recognized.

Lawson and McLean are being honoured posthumously.

Denys, of the former Chatham Township, is being recognized as a passionate agriculturalist for 50 years, deeply involved with the farm community in crop production, protection marketing and seed development.

Lawson, of the former Zone Township, is known for his work to change bylaws and regulations to benefit the agricultural community.

He was known as an advocate for farmers to achieve fair settlements with gas and hydro companies when their corridors crossed farmland, avoiding expropriation whenever possible.

McLean, formerly of Morpeth, was a strong supporter of sustainable farming methods. He stressed the importance of balancing agricultural and natural cover, emphasizing the use of windbreaks and cover crops to reduce wind erosion.

The induction ceremony will take place Nov. 19 at Hidden Hills Golf and Country Club in Oungah. A meet and greet starts at 11 a.m. followed by lunch. All three of the men’s biographies will be presented as part of the event.

Tickets for the induction ceremony can be obtained by calling Kathy Vanek at 519-683-2929.


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