Changes in store for King Street?


Reconfiguring King Street in downtown Chatham could be in the municipality’s future.

At the June 10 C-K council meeting, Chatham Coun. Conor Allin said he will be bringing a notice of motion forward later this month regarding possible change.

Making parts of the street one way and introducing angle parking were two of the ideas brought forward by Allin.

The matter will return to council June 24.


  1. At one time King St. was one way west and wellington St. was one way east. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. Why retry. Angle parking had one time permitted. not anymore Mr. Allen should put his thinking cap on for the forward not reverse.

  2. Why??? Is there that.much of a need? How about spending some of our tax money outside of Chatham. This spend spend spend for silly uneeded reasons is ridiculous. Hopefully council says no…. how about throwing some of us in the country a biscuit. Our roads suck, we have no water, no natural gas , on septic systems. We are still rocking the same infrastructure as my wife’s Grandpare to were in the 1940s. Do you see the hipocricy???


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