Beautification effort underway in C-K



It’s time to give some love to Chatham-Kent’s front and backyard beauties.

From now to July 13, local residents are encouraged to nominate their favourite area for a “Growing Together” award.

The initiative, a collaboration between the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and Glasshouse Nursery, will recognize innovation and creativity in gardening. Nominations will be reviewed by local beautification and horticultural committees.

According to a municipal media release, winners will also receive a gift certificate from the nursery, as well as a special sign of recognition to put in their garden.

In keeping with this year’s Ontario’s Communities in Bloom guidelines, local gardeners are invited to incorporate the colour orange in their designs.

In anticipation of Growing Together 2024, Mayor Darrin Canniff said he is “beyond excited” to see what Chatham-Kent residents will come up with.

“Let’s make this year’s Growing Together program the greenest one yet,” the mayor stated.

Nominations will be received on C-K’s municipal webpage at


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