LETTER: No car, big problem seeing fireworks


Editor: Victoria Day is often filled with family activities, but one stands out in my mind: fireworks.

If you don’t own a car and live in Chatham, you are out of luck.

This is something that is not an isolated situation. For those unlucky to not own a vehicle, the odds of going to watch fireworks are slim and that’s putting it kindly. Maybe luck will shine and you will catch a neighbour’s display if you have no yard or ride along with someone else kind enough to squeeze you in.

If not, do not expect to find any municipal events in Chatham as far as fireworks goes. I grew up in Chatham attending events such as the Festival of Trees, Festival of Nations, great fireworks displays held on Victoria Day, Canada Day, and even on New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve events held at our Downtown Chatham Centre were all free to attend aside from vendor purchases.

Chatham is a great place to raise kids even now with many family events falling to the wayside. I write this surprised at the number of events held in nearby towns while Chatham has nothing going on.

Chatham, you are a disappointment.

Kim Walsh



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