Cop dog tracks down alleged car thief


A London man got chased down by a Chatham-Kent police dog Monday afternoon and now has to answer to a slew of charges.

It began about 1:30 p.m. in Chatham when an officer’s automatic license plate reader indicated a vehicle was reported as stolen.

Police say the officer tried to approach the vehicle while it was stopped, but the driver took off.

Police did not initiate a chase at this point, but they found the vehicle abandoned on Queen Street shortly afterwards. Witnesses reported a man running off into backyards.

At that time, police set up a perimeter and called in the dog. In short order, the pooch led officers to a residential garage where the suspect was holed up, police say, after he had broken in.

A 37-year-old London man faces a variety of charges, including dangerous operation, possession of property obtained by crime, and break and enter. The stolen vehicle was recovered, as well as stolen property that was taken from the residential garage.


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