Wildeman receives honourary degree

CKHA board chair Alan Wildeman

Chatham-Kent Health Alliance’s (CKHA) board chair is to receive an honourary university degree this year.

Alan Wildeman is one of six individuals to receive an honorary degree from the University of Saskatchewan (USask). This annual recognition pays tribute to the contributions of USask alumni throughout their careers.

“I am truly honoured to receive this recognition,” Wildeman said in a media release. “So many of the wonderful opportunities I have had throughout my life can be traced back to what the USask faculty and staff did to help me learn more about myself and more about the world.”

Wildeman was born and raised in rural Saskatchewan and has spent more than 30 years in Southwestern Ontario. In 2018, he retired after serving ten years as president and vice-chancellor of the University of Windsor. Prior to that, he served as vice-president of research at the University of Guelph, and enjoyed many years in academia with roles in teaching and research, including a NATO Fellowship allowing him to work in Strasbourg, France.

He holds a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science, and a Ph.D. in genetics.


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