Candidates forum set for Thursday


A second federal election forum is slated to take place this week.

This time around, the YconneCKt Group of the Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce, along with the Municipal CKy Advisory Group, is hosting a Young People Business Inspired Federal Election Forum for invited Chatham-Kent-Leamington and Lambton-Kent-Middlesex Candidates Sept. 9.

Invitations to the forum follow the National Debate Commission guidelines.

The audience is restricted to invited representatives of the partnering organizations and media.

The event takes place between 8 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.

The forum will be televised live and recorded for further public viewing through YourTV rebroadcasts and Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce social media outlets on Sept. 10 and thereafter.

Organizers said questions are prepared in relevance to the most pertinent federal issues relating to business, young people, economic recovery and future prosperity of Chatham-Kent and our nation.


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