Hundred women R.O.C.K.

Members of the Chatham-Kent Chapter of 100 Women Who Care group donated $12,025 recently in support of R.O.C.K. Missions.

The Chatham-Kent Chapter of 100 Women Who Care group recently handed a cheque for more than $12,000 to another local charity.

The group donated this time to R.O.C.K. Missions, a homeless outreach program in Chatham-Kent.

Nominating member, Sue Cummings presented this financial need to the group at its February meeting. Cummings is a volunteer lunch lady with R.O.C.K. Missions, helping to prepare 300 lunches twice a week.

“I see the profound and positive impact R.O.C.K. Missions has on the homeless, the impoverished, and those who suffer from hunger, mental illness and drug addiction,” she said in a media release.
Renee Geniole, treasurer/chair of R.O.C.K. Missions’ board of directors said the funds were appreciated.

“Fantastic. Thank you. Funds like this go right back into the community. We serve a population that gets left behind a lot, through no fault of their own,” she said. “This will go directly towards keeping our program going. We provide 300 lunches twice per week, harm reduction, hygiene products, blankets, everyday necessities people take for granted.”
Since August 2016, 100 Women Who Care Chatham-Kent has donated more than $200,000 across 19 local charities/groups.
For more information, as well as commitment and nomination forms, visit or e-mail




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