WAMBO cancelled for 2020


The board of directors for the Wallaceburg Antique Motor and Boat Outing (WAMBO) have made the decision to cancel their 2020 event.

The uncertainty and provincial measures in place due to the COVID-19 virus were the deciding factors for the volunteer organization, according to officials.

“We held out as long as we could, with the hopes that the safety measures would be relaxed by the time our event rolled around in August,” said Bill Wolsing, WAMBO’s chair, via media release. “Unfortunately, with the measures still in place and the global pandemic still ongoing, we had no choice but to cancel the event for this year.”

WAMBO has been an annual homecoming event in the community of Wallaceburg for the last 31 straight years. This will be the first year since its inception in 1989 that the community-wide celebration will not take place.

“This pandemic has challenged our communities and impacted everyone in some way,” Wolsing said. “It has knocked us down, but we are a resilient, strong and unified community. We’ll get back up, and be stronger than ever.”

He added, “Our heart goes out to all of the front-line workers and researchers who are dedicating their lives to combating this virus. We’ll get through this together.”

Wolsing said the board of directors for WAMBO wants to thank sponsors, vendors, participants and all of WAMBO’s guests and fans for their continued support and understanding.

“Our board and our volunteers are dedicated and looking forward to bringing WAMBO back during the second weekend of August in 2021,” Wolsing said.

More details about WAMBO can be found online at www.wambo.ca.


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