Church issue in Buxton sad 


Sir: I have been reading about the controversy regarding the business of whom owns the North Buxton Church, and how it is affecting its congregation as well as the cemetery issue there.

There are other churches in our area of different denominations that have similar stories. The congregations have built and spent money and back breaking work trying to keep up and maintain their properties, only to be told that the church that they weekly attend and socialize in is not really their property.  It is an issue that I think might be more common than we may know.

I wonder if this church in North Buxton and its cemetery are sold to new owners, and the church is used for purposes other than it was originally intended for how this might affect the status of the North Buxton Historical sight there in that town?

It really is a sad situation for the people of North Buxton. Hopefully this situation can be resolved for the good of all.

Frank Doyle



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