No simple solution to flooding



It takes a perfect storm to create flood conditions on Erie Shore Road in South Kent – high winds with high water levels – but Mother Nature always gets her way.

After several years of low lake levels for Lake Erie, this spring the high-water levels have caused problems for several cottagers and homeowners on the water. Catch basins in place to prevent flooding just couldn’t keep up when high winds drove the water up over any berms or sea walls people had in place.

When a home or cottage right on the water is such a huge investment for most people, the idea of dealing with damage caused by flooding can be the cause of a lot of frustration and anger with no one to direct it at.

The municipality can’t control water levels or the winds, but some people would argue they can control better measures of flood control in case another perfect storm should occur. South Kent Coun. Karen Herman earlier this year brought up the issue of potential flooding on Erie Shore Road and clay berms were put in place to direct water into the catch basins and down erosion control paths into the Burk drainage system on the north side of the road.

Trying to predict Mother Nature, however, is like herding cats. It’s never going to happen and is just an exercise in frustration.

As Tim Dick, Director, Drainage, Asset and Waste Management for Chatham-Kent, said the conditions leading to flooding are cyclical and the 10 catch basins are designed to divert water to the existing drains when the wind pushes the water onto the shore.

What more can be done to prevent this type of flooding will no doubt be discussed by council and staff and was to be on the agenda in closed session this past Monday night.

Is it a homeowner problem if you own lakefront property or should the municipality be doing more to protect the cottagers and their property values? The solution should rest with both, and perhaps the province can assist as well.


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