Article on Uncle Jim appreciated


Sir: Mary Beth, thank you so much for doing such a wonderful interview of my Uncle Jim Henderson (“Veteran reflects on service during WW2” in the Nov. 10 edition of The Chatham Voice), my 99-year-old mother’s brother.

I am so pleased that Uncle Jim granted you an interview, as he has always been very modest and quiet about the very important part he played in the Second World War.

He has always been my hero in more ways than one. I remember vividly when I was three years of age, his happy return to Wallaceburg. Our entire family had a reunion picnic at Rondeau Provincial Park where he took great delight in pushing me on the swings and helping me navigate the big slide.

I spent many a summer at Uncle Jim’s and Aunt Marg’s Wallaceburg home babysitting their three children while they worked.

Uncle Jim is the brightest, most interesting and kindest of men that I know. I am proud to be his niece and so proud of his extensive service in the Second World War.

Barbara Ernteman



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