Coin challenge coming in February



Spare change has a lot more value than simply occupying space in our pockets or purses. Spare change can, and does make a significant difference in Chatham-Kent, and in February, it will help make positive change achievable for the more than 425 persons who have an intellectual disability and their families.

From Feb. 10 to 21, students, teachers and staff at nine area schools will be participating in this year’s Community Coin Campaign by collecting spare change to help Community Living Chatham-Kent provide resources for the people who are supported through individually tailored programs and services.

The schools participating represent the Lambton Kent District School Board, Conseil scolaire catholique Providence, and St. Clair Catholic District School Board. To help get the coin drive off to a good start, volunteers from the St. Clair College Options Program are in process of coordinating and packaging the materials that will be delivered to nine local schools by members of the student council, St. Clair Thames Students Inc.

Participating schools include: Chatham-Kent Secondary School, John McGregor Secondary School, King George Public School, Indian Creek Public School, Tecumseh Public School, École Ste. Marie, Georges P. Vanier Catholic School, Monsignor Uyen Catholic School and Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School.

Once collected, the coins will be delivered to Community Living Chatham-Kent’s Park Avenue Day Program where participants separate and count the coins. Each school will be provided a summary by classroom and the top class of each school will win a prize.
“Change comes about in many ways and measurements. We thank and value our partners in the Chatham-Kent educational community who share our vision of inclusion and support for people in Chatham-Kent who have an intellectual disability,” said Jim Douglas, manager of community relations and development in a release.


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