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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Two Voices, one issue: C-K budget

  We’ve always said The Voice is a place where we encourage people to express their opinions about our community. This week Bruce and Jim...

Keep on trucking

What is it about pickup trucks? I’ve driven one for many years now, and love everything about it (well, maybe not the in-town fuel...

Let the music do the talking

As I type this, my daughter is listening to some loud rap music in the other room. I can’t help but smile. She and I have...

Health trumps two great events

When I opted for hip surgery, I knew I’d be out of action for a while. And I knew the timing would suck. For the...

Sharing information

When I learned the municipality was going to broadcast its Jan. 18 staff budget presentation to council over Facebook, I decided to give it...

This dude spins like a top

Remember how we were told that neutering our cat would help calm him down? Yeah, that hasn’t been the case (well, aside from when he...

No shortage of fun in C-K

I had the opportunity to take stop by and take photos of two awesome events recently in Chatham-Kent – Festival of Golf on Friday...

Be patient on the roads, people

Remember when we all learned that two wrongs don’t make a right? How about when one wrong on yellow makes for two more wrongs...

Surprise delivery of nectar of the gods

I raise my beer in a toast to Mike Uher of the local musical group Toast & Jam. He scored me some Yuengling beer...

Sunshine on the grill

  Daylight Savings Time is a barbecuer’s delight. It’s a sign spring is surely on the way (we have to be positive after such a crappy...