Community Voice – coming events


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Submit your coming events to bruce@chatham­ or [email protected]

Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? Al-anon can help! Call – leave message – 519-350-3462

Alcoholics Anonymous, we can help! Information Line 519-360-5246.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025:
• Messy Thursdays at 4:30 pm. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Today’s special is Spaghetti with meat sauce. Come play Euchre at 1:00 or spend the evening playing Shuffleboard or Evening Euchre starting at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025:
• Ostomy Support Group: We are a support group for anyone who is or may be facing live living with an ostomy. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month(except for July and August) starting at 7pm. We are located at Wellwise By Shoppers on the corner of Mc.Naughton Ave. And St. Clair St. right here is Chatham. We are in Facebook (by invitation, just request) and we can also be reached at [email protected].

• Preschool Storytime at 10:30am at the Blenheim branch of the CKPL. Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories! Best suited to children 5 years and younger. Drop-in. No Registration required. 

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Our daily special is Meat loaf Dinner. Come check out our other daily specials. We have Fun Darts at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• CK Jobs presents: Biz Connect Networking Night with Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce. Join us for a night of networking in partnership with Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce. 4:30-6pm at the Retro Suites Hotel – Derby Room, 2 King Street West Chatham. Get tickets at This is a free event.

• Just a reminder that the next Kent Historical Society meeting will take place at the Chatham Cultural Centre, in Studio One, at 7:30pm. For those of you who are long time members, nothing other than the day has changed. Our speakers for February are changed from the initial programme. Ian Trott and his wife are coming to speak to us about their work with the Find-a-Grave initiative. They are both photographers and that is how they came to this important work. I hope you will join us on February 12.

• Join us at Bill’s place for a special Game Night of Cards Against Humanity, the adult (18+) party game in which players complete fill-in-the-blank statements, using words or phrases typically deemed offensive, risqué, or politically incorrect, printed on playing cards. The game is simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. The game is at its funniest when the most inappropriate card is played so please be forewarned about this game

Thursday, February 13, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1-4pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome. Call 519-350-8937 for info. 

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 3:30-6:30pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

• Messy Thursdays starting at 4:30pm at the Merlin branch of the CKPL. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Senior Euchre starts at 1:00pm. Everyone welcome.

• Lunch at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 11am-1pm.  Daily specials and menu items available.

Friday, February 14, 2025:
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Supper will be served from 4:00–6:00. No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials are ham & scalloped potatoes or fish & chips, $13.00. Take out is also available by calling 519-351-8733 or 519-351-5639. Fun Darts start at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• Join us for a delicious steak dinner with potato, coleslaw & dessert at the Merlin Legion – only $22.50 . Call 519-689-4884 to book your spot or order your takeout!!Served from 4:30 to 7 pm

• Lunch at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 11am-1pm.  Daily specials and menu items available.

• Friday night supper at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St is a Honey Garlic Chicken dinner with potatoes, vegetable, coleslaw and a bun. Dine ins $13 and pickup $14. All meals are served at 6pm. Please call 519-352-8291 to order. Everyone welcome.

The movie Red, White and Royal Blue will be shown at Bill’s Place at 6:30pm. Come join us to see this heartwarming romantic comedy and enjoy some popcorn!

Saturday, February 15, 2025:
• Fun Day Euchre Tournament at Branch 18 Wallaceburg Legion, Clubroom. 2 person teams, register 11-11:45 games start at noon. $10. Per person, lunch available.

• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• For the Mighty Love of Words: A Free Creative Writing Workshop from 10:30am-1:00pm at the Chatham Branch of Chatham-Kent Public Library- 120 Queen Street Chatham, Chatham Branch Meeting Room. CKPL proudly presents a creative writing workshop  hosted by local author Yejide Kilanko. Join us for a two-and-a-half-hour workshop where Yejide, author of “Daughters Who Walk This Path” and “There Is an Elephant in My Wardrobe”, will share her experiences, answer your burning questions, and inspire you as you create a 100-word piece that could be the literary spark you need to ignite your writing. Writers of all ages, genres, and experiences are welcome. Please bring your favourite writing pens, notebooks, or devices and readiness for some fun.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 10:00am–9:30pm. Line Dancing lessons from 10:00am-12 noon. There will be meat draws at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30pm. The kitchen is open from 3:00pm–6:00pm. Come check out our menu. Entertainment by – Unity Station – from 4:30-9:30. Everyone is welcome.

• Performing Arts at St. Andrew’s, “Stand By Me”  at 7pm at St. Andrew’s United Church. Candlelight concert directed by Marque Smith of Grace United Church, Sarnia, celebrates a century of Black Music with performances by Denise Pelley, Bryan & Shannon Prince, and Camryn Dudley. Donations at the door (suggested $20.00 pp). Doors open at 6:30 pm. All are Welcome. For further info or call 519-352-0010.

• Join us at the Merlin Legion or Karaoke Bob 7 to 11 pm. Meal special with 1 lb wings, burger or jumbo hot with beer or alcoholic drink $11.50. Please call 519-689-4884 for more information.

• Kent Branch Of The Ontario Genealogy Society is having a Family History Open House  from 10:00am-4:00pm in their room on the 2nd floor of the Chatham Public Library. This is a free event-come and learn about family history and how to research your family. Everyone is welcome. Children’s activities and door prizes. For more information contact: [email protected].

• Euchre at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St at 1pm, $5 Registration starts at Noon. Lunch available from Noon-1:30PM.

• Join YA Author Susan Cullen at Turns & Tales between 2-4 to celebrate the release of UNCOUNTED, the final book in The World Collective series. Meet the author, shop copies, get books signed, and enter for a chance to win the complete series. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025:
• TWO CREEKS INDOORS presents The Acoustics Unlimited at 2pm, in the beautiful and resonant sanctuary of Wheatley United Church, Talbot West, Wheatley. Mark Bartlett and Glenn Garant passionately perform unique versions of classic rock, pop, folk, and country songs from A to Z. You will love these guys. Admission by donation.

• Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at the Chatham Legion, 39 William Street North. Doors open 4:30, dinner from 5:00-7:00pm. Meaty spaghetti with garlic bread & small salad. $20 for adults; $12 for kids twelve and under. Take-out available. A fundraiser for the Chatham group of the Ontario Massed Pipes & Drums. We are participating in the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Holland this spring. Advance tickets only at the Legion bar, or contact Erin June at 519-436-6207. 

• Breakfast at the Chatham moose Lodge, 85 Richmond St. from 9am-Noon. All meals are cooked to order.

• Jamboree at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 1-5pm, $5, Come listen, enjoy and dance to the great sounds of Hired Hand.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025:
• Messy Thursdays start at 4:30pm. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Today’s special is Spaghetti with meat sauce. Come play Euchre at 1:00 or spend the evening playing Shuffleboard or Euchre starting at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025:
• Chatham-Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm – 8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New Members and guests welcomed. Come to a meeting and meet others with similar interests. We have members that  collect Canadian, USA, and World coins and paper money. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby For more info contact President Paul Robb ([email protected]) (289-228-2817).

• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

• Games Night at Bill’s Place, 2SLGBTQIA+ Community space, 48 Centre St., Chatham. 6:30pm. You are welcome to bring a game to see if others want to play it or play what we have. 

• Preschool Storytime at 10:30am at the Blenheim branch of the CKPL. Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories! Best suited to children 5 years and younger. Drop-in. No Registration required. 

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Our daily special is meat loaf Dinner. Come check out our other daily specials. We have Fun Darts at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Thursday, February 20, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1-4pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company. Donation welcome. Call 519-350-8937 for info. 

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 6:00-9:00pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

• Messy Thursdays start at 4:30pm at the Merlin branch of the CKPL. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

• Join us for an engaging discussion on Immigration strategies and community collaboration in our upcoming CK Local Immigration Partnership Annual Forum.  This forum will highlight the importance of creating a welcoming community in Chatham-Kent, and the positive impacts immigrants and newcomers bring to the communities they choose to call home. Our Keynote Speaker, Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist, Conference Board of Canada will also be sharing insights on Canadian immigration, economic trends and how immigration supports economic development and growth in local communities. 11:30am-1:30pm. John D Bradley Convention Centre, 565 Richmond St. Chatham, ON. Registration is required- To register please visit For questions or more information on this, please reach out to us at [email protected].

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–3:00pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Senior Euchre starts at 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome. After 3:00pm, the legion will be closed for the preparation of a Zone meeting, then opened for members only.

• The Chatham-Kent Quilters’ Guild meets the third Thursday of each month at St. Paul’s Congregational Church, 450 Park Ave W, Chatham. Doors open at 6:00 for socializing and shopping. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us, but the fee for non-members will be $10 per meeting. Come and enjoy our presentations, guest speakers and all of the other fun at our meeting. Our membership fee is $50 per year and this entitles you to our newsletter and all of our regular meetings free of charge. You are welcome to contact us through our Facebook page or our website at for more information.

Friday, February 21, 2025:
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Supper will be served from 4:00–6:00. No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials are roast beef, potatoes $15.00 or fish & chips $14.00. Take out is also available by calling 519-351-8733 or 519-351-5639. Fun Darts starts at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• Scrumptious Perch and/or Chicken Dinner with choice of potato & coleslaw plus dessert. Served from 4:30 – 7 pm at Merlin Legion. 5 pc perch $20 – perch/chicken combo $20
and 3 pc chicken $15.50. Contact 519-689-4884 for more information. Take outs also available 

Saturday, February 22, 2025:
• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 11:00am-2:00pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 10:00am–9:30pm. Line Dancing lessons from 10:00am-12 noon There will be meat draws at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30pm. The kitchen is open from 3:00pm–6:00pm. Come check out our menu. Entertainment by D.A.M. Band – from 4:30-9:30. Everyone is welcome.

• The Mary Webb Centre for the Arts has unfortunately had to postpone until the fall the scheduled Saturday, Feb. 22 concert with “The Laws”, a husband and wife singing and song-writing duo from Kingsville. More information at

Sunday, February 23, 2025:
•  Merlin Legion Classic Country Jamboree from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm followed by a meatloaf dinner which consists of meatloaf, potato, mixed veggie, coleslaw, dessert with coffee/tea for only $15. No Frills meal & Hamburgers also available. So bring your dancing shoes and don’t miss the fun event. Please contact 519-476-5870 to book your spot. Take outs also available. $5 entry with musicians/singers free.

Monday, February 24, 2025:
• Kent Branch Of The Ontario Genealogy Society is having a 2nd scanning party from 4:30pm-8:00pm in their room on the 2nd floor of the Chatham Public Library. This is a free event-come and learn how to digitize your family treasures and historical material. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact: [email protected].

Tuesday, February 25, 2025:
• Messy Thursdays start at 4:30pm. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Today’s special is Spaghetti with meat sauce. Come play Euchre at 1:00 or spend the evening playing Shuffleboard or Euchre starting at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• CK Jobs presents: Find Your New Career with the Better Jobs Ontario Training Grant. Join us for a virtual information session exploring in-demand career opportunities and training through the provincially funded program. 12 – 12:30pm. Reserve your spot at

Wednesday, February 26, 2025:
• Kent County Stamp Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham. Meetings are held from 7:30pm-9:00pm every 4th Wednesday of every month from January to November. New Members and guests are welcome. Our members collect Canadian, USA, and World Stamps, Covers & Postcards. Take this opportunity to learn and share knowledge of the Philatelic hobby. For more information contact President Dennis Marek ([email protected]) (519-627-1429).

• Preschool Storytime at 10:30am at the Blenheim branch of the CKPL. Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories! Best suited to children 5 years and younger. Drop-in. No Registration required. 

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Our daily special is Meat loaf Dinner. Come check out our other daily specials. We have Fun Darts at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• CK Jobs presents: How to Prepare for a Job Fair. 12:30 – 1pm. Learn tips and tricks on how to prepare for the upcoming Workforce Week Job Fair on March 5th and what to expect. Online, sign up at

Thursday, February 27, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1-4pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome. Call 519-350-8937 for info.

• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Senior Euchre starts at 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• Messy Thursdays start4:30pm at the Merlin branch of the CKPL. Every Thursday is something new and maybe messy. All ages, no registration required.

Friday, February 28 2025:
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Supper will be served from 4:00–6:00. No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials are liver & onions, potatoes or fish & chips, $14.00. Take out is also available by calling 519-351-8733 or 519-351-5639. Fun Darts start at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

• Join us at the Merlin Legion for a Beef Stew Dinner sponsored by the Century Lodge
5 pm to 7 pm $12 per person. Contact 519-689-4884 for more information

Saturday, March 1, 2025:
• Fun Day Crib Tournament at Branch 18 Wallaceburg Legion, Clubroom. 2 person teams, register 11-11:45 games start at noon. $10. Per person, lunch available.

• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• ARTspace is excited to announce Family Fun Days. Every Saturday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, families are welcome to ARTspace for a free, fun, artist-facilitated activity in the community gallery. March will feature coffee filters and liquid watercolours to create a myriad of colourful flowers. ARTspace is located at 165 ½ King St W, Chatham. Admission is free and all are welcome to visit and support the local art community in Chatham-Kent. While these activities are free to the public, donations are welcomed as a way to continue supporting this program. A donation of $5 per family is appreciated and children must be accompanied by a guardian. For additional information, please visit and follow @TAGCK and @ARTspaceCK for Thames Art Gallery and ARTspace updates.

• Barn Quilt Workshop & Fundraiser: 1pm to 5pm at the Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club, 9092 English Line, Chatham. Join Lauren from “Grace & Lilly’s Attic” to create a personal barn quilt (1 foot wood square) Open to everyone, Kitchen & Bar Open. Limited space available. Details on Facebook at “Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club”, email: [email protected]  

Monday, March 3, 2025:
• CK Jobs presents: Early Childhood Education: An Exciting Career is Waiting for You. Learn more about creative avenues you can take to your exciting new career as an Early Childhood Educator! 3 – 4pm. Wallaceburg Memorial Arena, 600 Wall Street Wallaceburg. Sign up at This is a free event.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025:
• Come celebrate Shrove by feasting on a Pancake Supper at Christ Anglican Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. All you can eat pancakes served with sausage, beverage and dessert for $15.00 adults, children under 10 Free. Tickets available at the church office (519-352-1640) or at the doors. Proceeds to CK Hospice.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025:
• Mark your calendars for the Workforce Week Job Fair presented by CKJobs! Join us at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre in Chatham from 1pm-7pm for a chance to meet top employers, discover exciting job opportunities, and take the next step in your career. Bring your resume and be ready to impress! For more details, visit Let’s get you hired! Get your free tickets on Eventbrite.

Thursday, March 6, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. Greg Simpson, St. Andrews United Church.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.

Friday, March 7, 2025:
• World Day of Prayer Service at Valetta Presbyterian Church, 4319 Middle
Line, Merlin, Ont. (Old #98 highway near Tilbury) March 7, 2025 at
2pm. Theme: “I Made You Wonderful” Psalm 139: 1-18 (prepared by women
of Cook Islands). Everyone Welcome.

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 3:30-6:30pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

Saturday, March 8, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025:
• Ostomy Support Group: We are a support group for anyone who is or may be facing live living with an ostomy. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month(except for July and August) starting at 7pm. We are located at Wellwise By Shoppers on the corner of Mc.Naughton Ave. And St. Clair St. right here is Chatham. We are in Facebook (by invitation, just request) and we can also be reached at [email protected].• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

Thursday, March 13, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 3:30-6:30pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. Albert Lambkin, First Baptist Church.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.

• Join us for two days filled with creativity, community, and amazing local products! 4-8 pm AND March 15th 9am-2pm. Location: St. Clair College HealthPlex, Chatham ON. Explore unique handmade goods, delicious food, and the talent of our incredible vendors. Whether you’re on the hunt for the perfect gift or just want to support local artisans, this is the place to be! Looking to participate as a vendor? Find the vendor application here:

Saturday, March 15, 2025:
• Fun Day Euchre Tournament at Branch 18 Wallaceburg Legion, Clubroom. 2 person teams, register 11-11:45 games start at noon. $10. Per person, lunch available.

• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• Smile: Charlie Chaplin in the Silent Movie – The Gold Rush with live pipe organ accompaniment will bring laughter to all. Presented by the Performing Arts at St. Andrew’s United Church, 85 William Street S., Chatham at 7 pm for a suggested donation of $20 at the door. All are welcome! For further information call 519-352-0010 or

Sunday, March 16, 2025:
Euchre Tournament & Fundraiser at the Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club, Entry $20/pp, must be 19 yrs and up, Top 3 Win Cash Prizes!  9092 English Line Chatham, preregistration by emailing; [email protected], or calling 519-401-8242.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025:
• Chatham-Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm – 8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New Members and guests welcomed. Come to a meeting and meet others with similar interests. We have members that  collect Canadian, USA, and World coins and paper money. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby For more info contact President Paul Robb ([email protected]) (289-228-2817).

• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

• • Games Night at Bill’s Place, 2SLGBTQIA+ Community space, 48 Centre St., Chatham. 6:30pm. You are welcome to bring a game to see if others want to play it or play what we have. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 6-9pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. Steven Maki, Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s Anglican.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.

Saturday, March 22, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025:
• Kent County Stamp Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham. Meetings are held from 7:30pm – 9:00pm every 4th Wednesday of every month from January to November. New Members and guests are welcome. Our members collect Canadian, USA, and World Stamps, Covers & Postcards. Take this opportunity to learn and share knowledge of the Philatelic hobby. For more information contact President Dennis Marek ([email protected]) (519-627-1429).

Thursday, March 27, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. Paul D. Shaw, First Presbyterian Church.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.

Saturday, March 29, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• Bill’s Place Community Space Drop-In from 11:00am-2:00pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard &  more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.

Thursday, April 3, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. MJ Meinzinger, Much Joy Ministries.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.

Saturday, April 5, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• Rustic Little Home Paint WORKSHOP & FUNDRAISER at the Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club, 9092 English Line, Chatham from 1pm-3pm. Join “Jess from Rustic Little Home” You will get to paint your own sign from start to finish, all supplies included. Open to everyone, no experience needed! Kitchen & Bar Open. Limited space available. Details on Facebook at “Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club”, or email to “[email protected]“.

Wednesday, April 9, 2025:
• Ostomy Support Group: We are a support group for anyone who is or may be facing live living with an ostomy. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month(except for July and August) starting at 7pm. We are located at Wellwise By Shoppers on the corner of Mc.Naughton Ave. And St. Clair St. right here is Chatham. We are in Facebook (by invitation, just request) and we can also be reached at [email protected].

Thursday, April 10, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. Dr. Marg Moriyama. Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice. 

Saturday, April 12, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, April 16, 2025:
• Chatham-Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm – 8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New Members and guests welcomed. Come to a meeting and meet others with similar interests. We have members that  collect Canadian, USA, and World coins and paper money. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby For more info contact President Paul Robb ([email protected]) (289-228-2817).

• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Thursday, April 17, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall.  The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.”  The speaker this week is The Rev. John Maroney, Christ Church Chatham.  Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.


Saturday, April 19, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, April 23, 2025:
• Kent County Stamp Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham. Meetings are held from 7:30pm – 9:00pm every 4th Wednesday of every month from January to November. New Members and guests are welcome. Our members collect Canadian, USA, and World Stamps, Covers & Postcards. Take this opportunity to learn and share knowledge of the Philatelic hobby. For more information contact President Dennis Marek ([email protected]) (519-627-1429).

Thursday, April 24, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, April 26, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, May 1, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, May 3, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

• Annual Yard Sale Supporting Youth Group Program: 8am -1pm at the Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club, 9092 English Line, Chatham.  Something for everyone! Kitchen Open for Breakfast & Lunch, Bar Open,  Details on Facebook at “Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club”- Donations Accepted- donations plz contact [email protected].

Wednesday, May 7, 2025:
• Ostomy Support Group: We are a support group for anyone who is or may be facing live living with an ostomy. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month(except for July and August) starting at 7pm. We are located at Wellwise By Shoppers on the corner of Mc.Naughton Ave. And St. Clair St. right here is Chatham. We are in Facebook (by invitation, just request) and we can also be reached at [email protected].

Thursday, May 8, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, May 10, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, May 15, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, May 17, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, May 21, 2025:
• Chatham-Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm – 8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New Members and guests welcomed. Come to a meeting and meet others with similar interests. We have members that  collect Canadian, USA, and World coins and paper money. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby For more info contact President Paul Robb ([email protected]) (289-228-2817).

• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Thursday, May 22, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, May 24, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, May 28, 2025:
• Kent County Stamp Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham. Meetings are held from 7:30pm – 9:00pm every 4th Wednesday of every month from January to November. New Members and guests are welcome. Our members collect Canadian, USA, and World Stamps, Covers & Postcards. Take this opportunity to learn and share knowledge of the Philatelic hobby. For more information contact President Dennis Marek ([email protected]) (519-627-1429).

Thursday, May 29, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, May 31, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, June 5, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, June 7, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, June 11, 2025:
• Ostomy Support Group: We are a support group for anyone who is or may be facing live living with an ostomy. We meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month(except for July and August) starting at 7pm. We are located at Wellwise By Shoppers on the corner of Mc.Naughton Ave. And St. Clair St. right here is Chatham. We are in Facebook (by invitation, just request) and we can also be reached at [email protected].

Thursday, June 12, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, June 14, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, June 18, 2025:
• Chatham-Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm – 8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New Members and guests welcomed. Come to a meeting and meet others with similar interests. We have members that  collect Canadian, USA, and World coins and paper money. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby For more info contact President Paul Robb ([email protected]) (289-228-2817).

• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Thursday, June 19, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, June 21, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, June 25, 2025:
• Kent County Stamp Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center, 20 Merritt Ave. Chatham. Meetings are held from 7:30pm – 9:00pm every 4th Wednesday of every month from January to November. New Members and guests are welcome. Our members collect Canadian, USA, and World Stamps, Covers & Postcards. Take this opportunity to learn and share knowledge of the Philatelic hobby. For more information contact President Dennis Marek ([email protected]) (519-627-1429).

Thursday, June 26, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1 – 4 pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company.  Donation welcome.  Call 519-350-8937 for more info. 

Saturday, June 28, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, July 5, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, July 12, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, July 16, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, July 19, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, July 26, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, August 2, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, August 9, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, August 16, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, August 20, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, August 23, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, August 30, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, September 6, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, September 11, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

Saturday, September 13, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, September 17, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, September 20, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, September 27, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, October 4, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, October 9, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

Saturday, October 11, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, October 15, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, October 18, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, October 25, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, November 1, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, November 8, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, November 13, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

Saturday, November 15, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, November 19, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, November 22, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, November 29, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, December 6, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, December 11, 2025:
• Retired Workers Chapter Meeting at 10:00am is the perfect opportunity to enjoy coffee and baked good and visit with riends and former workers that you may not have seen for some time. Keep up to date with things going on in the Commnity, pensions, benefits and the information provided from informed leadership and guest speakers. Spouses are welcome. Unifor Local 127, 405 Riverview Dr., Chatham (lower board room).

Saturday, December 13, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Saturday, December 20, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.

Wednesday, December 17, 2025:
• Heart Buddies – A monthly get together. A chance to talk and share your experiences of Heart Surgery, Heart Issues, matters of the Heart. For more info call 519-354-0070 or visit

Saturday, December 27, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.


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