Support personnel go above and beyond


Editor: There is a saying that to every cloud there is a silver lining, and I have been privileged to see the truth of that in my own life this past year.

The “cloud” was my husband Jim’s diagnosis of vascular dementia in March 2021 at 71 years old. He accidentally died seven months later at 72, but in the interim, I was privileged to be connected to a large network of support personnel, which otherwise I would have had no idea existed.

It is an amazing community we live in and these people were truly the “silver lining” to my “cloud.”

I wish I could thank people individually by name, but I hope those reading this who were involved will see themselves and know how much they are appreciated.

Thank you to our police force who had to be called to our home on a few occasions because Jim became quite aggressive due to his dementia. Not only did they treat Jim with respect and dignity in a chaotic and upsetting situation, but they also demonstrated kindness and concern for my well being.

Thank you to the PSWs (Personal Support Workers) from Care Partners and Bayshore. They always treated Jim with cheerfulness and professionalism, and made sure he was well taken care of.

This thanks also extends to the O.T.’s, P.T.’s, social worker and wound care nurse who shared their areas of expertise with me and thus relieved a lot of my anxiety in caring for Jim.

I sensed at times some of the workers were tired themselves as they often worked long hours, but it never affected their quality of service.

The list would not be complete without mentioning the fire department and the paramedics; I don’t have words large enough to thank them for everything they did to try and save Jim’s life when he fell.

On just a bit of a tangent, I want to close by thanking ALL the staff of Medicine A at the CKHA. A few days after Jim’s death, I was hospitalized for COVID. Even thought it’s been more than three months since I was in the hospital, I still reflect on their encouragement and stellar skills which enabled me to overcome COVID under difficult circumstances.

I doubt there is a finer group of people who work tirelessly to help patients get well.

Kudos to everyone I’ve mentioned and my ‘forever’ gratitude.

Nancy Kostuk



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