Cawing about our crows


Sir: As the new year has arrived, once again in Chatham-Kent we are experiencing our annual debate about our so called crow problem.

I happened to see a broadcast of one of our recent council meetings where the issue was raised and discussed. It was refreshing to hear Coun. Trevor Thompson’s “enlightened” comments regarding what could be described as the crows’ side of the issue. To my surprise, he was also verbally supported by Coun. Bryon Fluker.

Coun. Thompson’s fortitude to stand up to the status quo is also commendable!

Over the last several years, it has occurred to me on a number of occasions that if local wildlife had lawyers, and the earth was indeed a fair place, that a significant component of our local municipal leaders would have altered some of their decision making.

During the council meeting that I viewed, the mayor, if I heard him correctly, commented that the crows are in such numbers that he observed a deciduous tree that was “black with perching birds.”

Another councillor also commented that local car dealerships are particularly affected by the crow “deposits.”

As a consequence of hearing these two comments, I could not help but recall an event that occurred several years ago in Chatham along Keil Drive north. A significant number of deciduous trees had been planted along the west side of Keil from the Grand Avenue West intersection northward. These trees had matured to several metres in height and significantly enhanced the ambience of the area.

This was especially evident when compared to the huge barren and desolate looking mall area on the east side of Keil.

After leaving Chatham for a few days, my family and I returned to find that every one of the aforementioned trees had been destroyed and removed by the municipality.

I made a point of talking to the owner of the larger car dealership in the area and he responded that the tree removal was a surprise to him, and that he was not part of the decision making regarding their destruction.

It would not take a proverbial Bay street lawyer to defend the crow’s decision for their present chosen perch on the light standards and adjacent buildings of the local dealership parking lots and the resulting “deposits.” These results obviously stem from desperation, and perhaps even in retaliation, for the unwarranted destruction of their preferred and historic type of perching site.

Obviously, we need a better understanding and increased tolerance of the creatures that inhabited our little corner of the planet long before our ancestors. We also require more councillors with the awareness, perception and sensitivity of Coun. Thompson and Fluker.

As for the Keil Drive North anecdote, it is apparent that the term “bird brain” does not only apply to our fine feathered friends.

Gary Eagleson



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