Ward 6 candidate Aaron Hurst


Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff or services?

(N/A) I would need more information to make an appropriate decision. I need to know how much reduced staff and services would be affected.

Would you support an OPP costing study?

Is this study provided free of cost? Is it going to cost taxpayers money? I don’t see the harm in getting a costing study done to weigh the pro/cons.

Would you support examining a volunteer-only fire service if the provincial arbitration system isn’t overhauled?

I would like to see more information before a decision would be made.

Do you believe we should continue our ongoing efforts to attract economic investment from China?

What is the cost of these trips? Have we seen any return on our investments yet? I believe we can attract economic investments in smarter ways. Vote Aaron Hurst and I will show you how.

Would you support contracting municipal services to the private sector if those services can be delivered more efficiently?

I would need more information to make a smart decision for the citizens of Chatham-Kent


Would you support investigating amalgamation of fire/ambulance/police services to reduce costs?

How much are we saving? Who is affected? I would need the Pros and Cons for this decision along with more information.


Would you support a municipal tree-cutting bylaw if it contained incentives for woodlot owners to retain/increase tree cover?

What are the incentives? Have we taken into consideration both groups? More importantly have we heard the citizen’s voice and what they want.

Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner such as London and Windsor have added?

We need to make smart decisions for Chatham-Kent. Ombudsman handles complaints from the public.  When calling the civic center they stated they handle complaints made by the public. So do we need to hire our very own Ombudsman? When this is already done? How are we going to pay for that cost?

Would you consider developing a usage benchmark for municipal offices, arena and libraries and closing those that don’t meet the standards?

N/A – I am Aaron Hurst and I am Young and Motivated to make a change for Chatham-Kent. Let’s inject some new blood into City Council.

Do you support development of a community-wide multipurpose recreation centre?

Yes I would. (We still need to take into account the taxpayers and what the public wants)

Do you support an adopt-a-park program in which service or volunteer groups assume some maintenance (grass cutting) of some municipal facilities?

I personally would help volunteer my time towards this. I believe it’s a good idea.

Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of municipal councilors?

We have to make smart decisions for Chatham-Kent; I would need to know the cost we would be saving the Municipality.


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