Musical rewards


Music truly is the universal language. It uplifts us, moves us to tears, pumps us up and relaxes us – sometimes at the same time.

For the St. Andrew’s Choir that recently returned from a singing tour in France, members experienced that concept first hand, singing in 600-year-old cathedrals and at Juno Beach, a war site that has a great deal of significance for Canadians.

Music Director Devon Hansen made that experience happen, and he is one of the reasons Chatham-Kent has such an incredible variety of music opportunities – both to learn and to listen.

Hansen, a talented and acclaimed performer in his own right, has brought his love and passion for music and sharing music to St. Andrew’s Church. The community has benefitted.

From the Saturdays at 7 concert series each year and organ concerts, to the Chatham Music Academy and the Choral Scholars program, he has given music lovers many opportunities they might never have had. With cuts to the music curriculum in schools, people such as Hansen, and the many music teachers out there, inspire passion in their students and give them an outlet not found elsewhere.

In Chatham-Kent, we have many venues that offer up a huge variety of music, like the free Wednesday concerts by the Chatham Concert Band in Tecumseh Park, the different bands that come for our festivals and special events, recitals organized by music teachers, and Saturdays at 7.

We have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to music and we are lucky enough to have the people willing to work tirelessly to bring it to us.

Our community recently moved many rungs up the ladder on the list of Canada’s best places to live – from 324th last year to 165 this year. Part of that success can be given to our rich arts and music culture here in Chatham-Kent, along with the great sports teams, our proximity to the Great Lakes with all the activities they provide and the people here, who for the most part, have hearts as big as Texas.

Chatham-Kent is a great place to live, and people such as Hansen are a big part of why.


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