We do it because we love our kids



Regular readers of Bruce’s column know exactly how he feels about dance season and all (two) of the local competitions he attends to watch our daughter, Brenna with her fellow teammates from Alexandria’s Dance Studio.

He had his say about the music, and the costumes, and the music… but now it’s my turn.


Dance dads are a fun bunch for the most part. They breeze in to watch their kid, make some wisecracks, hug their kid and then head on out.

We, the dance moms, are left behind to soothe nerves, make hair and makeup look perfect, find lost costume items, assist with quick changes and feed the hangry hordes. And why do we do it? Because we love our kids and love to see them perform. We’re invested in them – from driving nightly to practice, to the chiropractor, to shoe fittings, costume fittings, competitions locally and out of town and participating in fundraising.

Dance moms understand their kids who prefer to live in leggings and sports bras, who have dance gear and bags on every Christmas and birthday list, who push all the furniture aside in the living room to make up dances or practice moves, who listen to dance music morning and night, and whose hair has to be waist length to suit buns and braids. We get it and we accept it.

Dance moms usually hang out in packs, helping and supporting each other with carpooling and hair expertise. Can’t do a French braid? No problem because another mom can. Can’t get the eyeliner wing thingies to look right? No problem – another mom will jump in and get it done. Is your hangry and nervous child on your last nerve? No problem – walk away and another mom will give you a chance to rid yourself of the urge to Hulk-smash everything in sight.

We aren’t really any different than other moms with kids in a competitive sport (don’t start with saying dance isn’t a sport – these girls work and practice just as hard). The only exception would be the constant bombardment of music. Is some of it enough to put you into a coma? Sure, if you are tired and your kid isn’t up there to hold your attention.

Go to a local competition though, which has no fee for visitors by the way, and you will be blown away by some of the talent up on the stage. Yes, some are better than others, but all those kids who get up on stage leave their hearts (and sometimes parts of costumes or shoes) up there and do it because they love it.

Being on a dance team is fantastic exercise, teaches our kids co-ordination and rhythm, creates life-long friendships, and helps our kids learn to work together no matter where you live or go to school.

Yes, I stress out during dance season, but I also have an incredible chance to bond with Brenna over something we both love, be proud of her up on stage and have fun with like-minded moms. I think of a lot of these girls Brenna has danced with for years as part mine, and their moms (yes, and dads) as good friends.

We moms roll our eyes and make fun of the dance dads but they really do have our backs, and once in a while, an original rock song will ring out and keep the complaining to a minimum.

Check out the Capitol Theatre this weekend for the Just Dance competition and you will get a taste of the spandex and glitter brigade and the astounding amount of talent in Chatham-Kent.



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