Time to rein in public spending


Sir: It seems that a documentary on C-K spending would be in order.

It seems that on one hand we have a never-ending cry for more money from all levels of charity, for food, a fundamental basic.

That being said, who is paying the millions of dollars for a Civic Centre?

According to management we are not funding basic infrastructure (only 49%). These are items that are critical to Chatham-Kent (Jan 16. agenda, budget item)

C-K continues to grow government when the population of C-K has declined from 110,000 to about 100,000.

We have several luxury liabilities, one being the Capitol Theatre, that are adding big costs to the budget line in terms of millions of dollars.

Disposable income is on the decline; personal debt is on the rise.

The provincial government is adding more tax and fees are going through the roof.

How low can we go?

And on and on it goes; the bleeding must stop.

Ray Robinson



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